Friday, November 24, 2006

Krispy Kreme

This could be arguably the BEST donuts you can get in the world... although I say its the BEST, its also the SWEETEST! hehehhehe

why its so nice? cos the texture is crispy while the inside its soft.

My sis asked me to get her some when I was in London n bring it to Liverpool... but I didnt cos I was carrying way TOO MANY items for her.

So this round when I was heading home from Sydney, I've decided to buy some home. U can actually get it frm the Sydney Airport. And you know how many I bought?? 24 donuts!!!! 12 of the original glaze, 12 of the assorted donuts. Luckily I was sitting in business class, can get them to store it properly.

Sorry ah, Jas! Next time I buy more for u.

p/s: Pictures taken courtesy of Krispy Kreme homepage

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